Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 16°C, 191 online
TV 07:32:28
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Audio Adrenaline - Don't Censor Me (1993) - Rest Easy

Rest Easy
Audio Adrenaline
Don't Censor Me (1993)

One more mile 'til I lay rest
I have put myself through this rigid test
But the mile has never ended no distance has been gained
I do not see greatness I wanted to obtain
Where is my embrace from the race that I have run?
I have kept a steady pace but still I have not won

I am not a bold man even though I want to be
I am just a dreamer with a timid history
Scared of confrontations I fume all through the night
the world has it's hold on me and I just want to fly
The sky, the sky is open wide
but I can't fly 'til I step aside

Rest easy
have no fear
I love you perfectly
and perfect love drives out fear
I'll take your burden
you take My grace
Rest easy
in My embrace
Rest easy, rest easy
rest easy, in My embrace
Rest easy




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