Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 18°C, 131 online
TV 09:51:25
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Atreyu - Lead Sails Paper Anchor (2007) - No One Cares

No One Cares
Lead Sails Paper Anchor (2007)

All walled up
I can taste the winter
I would shut up if I thought that it mattered
That's what it feels like
When you're stitched into the skin
I feel stuck
And no one thinks
Something's missing?

No one cares
No one listens
Screaming words that you fake hearing
No one cares
No one listens anymore

My eyes burn
As I bury how I'm feeling
Close my eyes
It's my life that I've been stealing
If it's all right why do I feel a sense of longing?
I had it all and yet I thought that something's missing
Something's missing

No one cares
No one listens
Screaming words that you fake hearing
No one cares
No one listens anymore

So paranoid
I've been hiding from the sun
I'm tired of being afraid
of everything and everyone
Oh so tired...






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