Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 16°C, 219 online
TV 08:15:23
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Asian Dub Foundation - Community Music (2000) - Memory War

Memory War
Asian Dub Foundation
Community Music (2000)

Who controls the past controls the present
And who controls the present controls the future
The battle for the past is for the future
Must be the winners of the memory war
Smash reach out and then grab the flower
At the end of the day their defeat will be for sure
Have you inside your memory the scene of the crime
If you don't have a clue then you're running out a time
Struggle continues while di sunshine
Past and the truth two of them you have to combine
Because books dem a burnt and documents are shredded
Cover ups are covered up in the name of the law
Presidents and royalty caught red hanged
And you won't know about it for fifty years or move
Come pay attention to the re-educator
The battle for the past is now the battle for the future
Fire for the messengers of this fake nostalgia
Soon come judgement day
Who controls the past controls the present
And who controls the present controls the future
The history they teach is the voice of the victor
You need to look again you need to have a propaganda!
If truth is your price then come join the bounty hunters
Because truth make you the enemy of all these liars
Because books dem a burnt and documents are shredded
Cover-ups are covered up in the name of the law
Presidents and Royalty caught red handed
And you won't know about it for fifty years or more
Come pay attention to the re-educator
The battle for the past is now the battle for the future
Fire for the messengers of this fake nostalgia
Soon come judgement day






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