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Apoptygma Berzerk - You And Me Against The World (2005) - Lost In Translation

Lost In Translation
Apoptygma Berzerk
You And Me Against The World (2005)

Fragile you are
And yet the strongest by far
Who`s to save us now
That you've turned weak?
I can see it in your eyes
I can feel it in my gut
Now we've really reached
The point of no return

We've all been traumatized
We were all a part of the revolution
We call the truth a lie
Too much got lost in translation

From my heart to your ears
Transforming words to tears
As vibrations of a string
Become a sound
I realize we're frail
burned out and pale
do you think we'll ever learn to love again?

We've all been traumatized
We were all a part of the revolution
We call the truth a lie
Too much got lost in translation






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night stars on air - II. ročník elektronického festivalu (01.09.2003)novinka

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