Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 17°C, 191 online
TV 19:10:45
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Antony And The Johnsons - The Crying Light (2009) - Aeon

Antony And The Johnsons
The Crying Light (2009)

oh Aeon
my baby boy
oh Aeon will take care of me
all the stars, your eyes
raining just for me
oh Aeon will set me free
oh Aeon
my baby boy
oh Aeon will repair me
oh his heart enjoyed
restores eyes alloyed
carry me through the olden void
oh Aeon
his arms are warm
oh Aeon was never born
Aeon’s eyes forlorn
he contains the storm
he’s the pasture of my dawn
ooh Aeon
my baby boy
oh Aeon will take care of me
hold my father
for it is myself
without him I wouldn’t exist
ooh Aeon
love my father
for my father is myself
hold that man
in your tender clutch
hold that man I love so much






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