Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 229 online
TV 06:27:56
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Anti-Flag - Underground Network (2001) - Culture Revolution

Culture Revolution
Underground Network (2001)

get ready to - make a stand
get ready to - make a stand
cause if - we don't- fuckin' - do it
then no one's going to! no!

have you seen the scene on the street?
do you care what's - going on?
thousands - homeless - in the land of the free
but no one seems to think it's wrong!
that's why we fuckin'wrote this song

take to the streets - cause it's time to make a stand
we're not gonna back down!
(we're talking...) culture revolution!
this ship is sinking - it's time we set it right

when the standards of - society
are based - solely on greed
humanity - compassion - do not define
what it means to succeed! no!

for the poor - contempt and hate
from the rich - middle class, the state
compassion - dumped for - apathy
the greatest nation ever seen?
that's fuckin' real hard to beleive...

socialized - socialized, mechanized - mechanized
to consume... everything in the world
saturate - saturate, accumulate - accumulate
your happiness... can be bought and be sold
environment - environment, detriment - detriment
is not... an issue of concern
humanity - humanity, or this insanity - insanity
the choice is yours, and your choice alone
but you won't be alone
no, you won't be alone... YEAH!

revolution! on the street! in your head! move!






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