Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 19°C, 109 online
TV 10:31:39
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Animal Collective - Sung Tongs (2004) - Good Lovin' Outside

Good Lovin' Outside
Animal Collective
Sung Tongs (2004)

There's a place I know where we can go,
Slide on down the wooden staircase,

Good Lovin' outside
Let's find a good place,
And take off your clothing
I stopped wearing a watch,
But I've kissed your face,
twice since we left the party
And things really get going
Things really get going

We can watch the things we eat
but I need your come and escape with me
and we can loath in moss all night
your kind and sweet and i feel your inside
And I'll kiss you in the kitchen whenthere's lovin' outside
I'll touch you and you'll touch me
the rain won't scare us cause we're lovin' outside

I'm wearing your shirt
So act like a kid
and pretend to hit me
Cause we act in the funniest ways
But it's just like it should be
With good love on the outside




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