Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 17°C, 167 online
TV 08:53:42
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Angra - Hunters and Prey (2002) - Live And Learn

Live And Learn
Hunters and Prey (2002)

Remember the first time you've faced the dark
Why were you so afraid ?
Hiding so many secrets inside
When fearshave got to be tamed

I promisse I'll still be there
To keep my promisse
I'll still be there

To watch over dreams at night
And follow you through the day
You shot the doors but i'm right behind
Where shadows remain

I promisse I'll still be there
To keep my promisse
I'll still be there

Don't ask me why we'll be like brothers
Skating on the ice of mortall loneliness

Live and Learn with your mind
Find a way out of madness
You dream on (of) paradise
Who's gonna take you there






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