Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 18°C, 121 online
TV 09:27:27
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Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet (2002) - Ready To Die

Ready To Die
Andrew W.K.
I Get Wet (2002)

This is your time to pay
This is your judgement day
We made a sacrafice
And now we get to take your life
We shoot without a gun
We'll take on anyone
It's really nothing new
It's just a thing we like to do!

You better get ready to die (get ready to die)
You better get ready to kill (get ready to kill)
You better get ready to run
'Cos here we come
You better get ready to die (get ready to die)

Your life is over now
Your life is running out
When your time is at an end
Dude it's time to kill again
We cut without a knife
We live in black and white
You're just a parasite
Now close your eyes and say goodnight!

You better get ready to die (get ready to die)
You better get ready to kill (get ready to kill)
You better get ready to run
'Cos here we come
You better get ready to die (get ready to die)

You better get ready to die (get ready to die...)
You better get ready to die (get ready to die...)
You better get ready to die (get ready to die...)
Been a long time coming
Now you better get runnin'
And you better get ready to die!






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