Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 192 online
TV 07:15:09
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Amen - Amen - Coma America

Coma America

Cut off!
Cut off!

This is for the suffer
This is for the proof
This is for the lover soaking in the truth
This is for the Liar
This is for the dream
This is for America burning at the seas

Cut off!
Cut off!
Cut off!
Cut off!

This is for the treason
This is for the speed
All the money cumming in the mouths of the meek
This is for the president
This is for the bomb
This is for the reasons of all who belong

Coma America

This is for the believers of the truth
This is for the leaders of the youth
These are the seeds for all who pollute
Polluters of the mind and all who use

Coma America

I am out!




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průměrná známka: 0/5

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