Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 165 online
TV 06:59:25
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Alvarez Perez - Thanatophobia (2003) - Flowers Of The Night

Flowers Of The Night
Alvarez Perez
Thanatophobia (2003)

The colors fade away
into spiral of the stars
Fall, fall
into the night

Over the drops of fear
on the broken blades of grass
running, running
on your trail

[: I hear your breath
I hear your heart beat
I hear you scream
Oh god please help me! :]

Scarlet dressed your body
blooming hot and glossy
open and wide flowers grow
growing in the songs
in the songs of night beast
growing in the songs of night beast


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