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Alkaline Trio, The - Goddamnit! (1998) - Message From Kathlene

Message From Kathlene
Alkaline Trio, The
Goddamnit! (1998)

I guess I'll always stop and see you
And we'll run into each other's lives
Yeah, I guess, although it tears me up inside
Everytime it burns my eyes with tears
But I know you're worth the pain
I've so much more to gain by waiting for you

You're going away but you're not going far
So if he decides to leave you alone and crying
You know I'm still here, the faithful one
Waiting for a message from Kathlene
Then I'll come.. faster
Than I ever thought that I could run
Cause I..
I need you more than I ever thought
That I could need someone
Someone Someone Someone else

I know I will always stop and see you
And we'll run into each other's fucked up lives
Yeah, I guess, although it tears me up inside
Everytime it burns my eyes with tears
But your waking up is the start of my lost cause
And then you decide to leave me alone and crying
But you know I'm still here, the faithful one
Waiting for a message from Kathlene
Then I'll come.. faster
Than I ever thought that I could run
Cause I..
I need you more than I ever thought
That I could need someone
Someone Someone Someone else




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