Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 16°C, 187 online
TV 07:53:17
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Alice Cooper - Pretties For You (1969) - Levity Ball

Levity Ball
Alice Cooper
Pretties For You (1969)

I got my invitation to the annual levity ball
Seeing the location is within the mirrored room
Walking in my room I found I had nothing to find
I got into my evening wear and left my clothes behind
I sat down at the stairway seven hours at a time
Writing all of this poetry that I knewq would never rhyme
The memory I know I must have had when I came in
Was of some place I'd never ever been
And then in came a cake all decorated in my name
With four paper brown candles are all spelling out this name
The clock was passing out from time to time
I saw it all at the beginning of the ending of my first levity ball




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