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TV 10:27:16
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AFI - Very Proud Of Ya (1996) - Advances In Modern Technology

Advances In Modern Technology
Very Proud Of Ya (1996)

Every night I walk the streets,
awake while everyone else sleeps.
I'm giving unease to anyone I meet.
My generosity can never runout,
because I give a gift from what's within myself.
No hope at all.
Take nothing from nothing and you'll have nothing left.
I can't recall.
I can't recall a moment in my life when life was at it's best.
Everyone avoids my stare and no one cares to ever dare to look into my eyes of what they most fear.
And they're taught to fear, to fear no evil.
And they know no fear, they've learned to love themselves.
Forever unlucky, 'cause I'll own tomorrow.
Forever unwanted, outcast today.
I'm not misled, I've got no one to follow.
Everywhere to go, no place to stay.






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